Not sure how this began but since I have been travelling in the last ten years, one topic that always pops up amongst my friends is ‘How many countries have you visited?’… not as I write this blog I have been to 54 countries… but with two more countries to add that list by the end of next month. On a trip, I usually will be planning or thinking, where do I want to go next. Are you the same?
As a conversation starter and to find out more about people are I them, how many countries they have been to? Sometimes, they are cannot answer this question. So far I have only known one person who has been to over 100, the majority are in the 20-30 category. And surprisingly a few I have met have been to less than 10.
If I asked you where you had been - do you know?
“Aliquam fermentum, ligula iaculis tristique rhoncus, turpis nisi dignissim lorem, a dictum dolor sapien ac massa. Nulla luctus tellus id magna posuere, ac semper quam cursus. Suspendisse a efficitur libero. ”
Vestibulum et aliquet dui. Donec facilisis dolor vel massa ornare ultricies. Ut venenatis tincidunt felis, bibendum tincidunt sem tincidunt id.